Submitted by Ken Robison / FTM Group Leader
Here are the notes from our most recent meeting
Together we know more than any of us alone.
FTM Users Group May 17 2014
Getting into and out of trouble
“Anyone can make a mistake to really mess things up you need a computer.”
1. Open discussion Questions, Problems, Issues or New Discoveries?
2. Prepared discussion Do you have two of the Same Tree?
The Robison Taylor Family Tree.ftm
The Robison Taylor Family Tree1.ftm
Step one Make a backup of both or all trees and name files so you can distinguish between/among them
Create Reports (In Publish)
1. Select “List of individuals Report”
Review available reports
Click Create Report
List of Individual Report Options Individuals to include: All Individuals
Set Report Title to File Name ( Robison Taylor Tree 1 Listing)
Print out or save report to review and compare details to see if all individuals are in both trees
Note: To Switch between Reports Click on
Collections to display available reports
2. Select “Media Usage Report”
Click Create Report
Under Media Usage Report Options Individuals to include: All Individuals
There are many choices for Items to include and Filtering. Review the options and test
effect by generating reports and see if anything is missing when items are selected or
Note: Like in Individuals Report above Use Report Title to Identify the File (RobTay_FT1)
If you find that one file has different information or individuals you can merge those individual records into the tree you want to be your master or complete file.
Once you are confident that you have all the information in one file you can rename that file, back it up and if you are brave (or foolhardy?) delete the unwanted file. Hover over file name and select option. If you select Delete you will be prompted for your Ancestry password before deletion.
Once deleted the file cannot be recovered!
Resources: FTM Help Menu/Tutorials, Online videos–You-tube FTM, google
The Barefoot Genealogist great short topics
Beyond the Basics A Guide for Advanced Users of Family Tree Maker 2011 Pgs. 74-80
1. Creating a file from a PC for use on a Mac
Knowledge Base on
Click on Technical Support, enter “5313” in search to get Mac Migration Utility
2. Moving Tree to a new Computer
3. Maintaining a tree on Two Computers (e.g. Desktop and Laptop..Husband & Wife or Cousin on different computers.
See you next time at the FTM meeting...